Our employee’s teaching achievements are recognized in Poland and abroad. Awards and distinctions in education were awarded to:
Year 2020

Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC was awarded a honoris causa doctorate of the Academic Council from the SFU in Rostov (Russia)
Year 2019

Associate professor Grzegorz Szymański PhD DSc was nominated in the Best Teacher Contest at TUL in 2018/2019.

Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC was awarded the prize of Best Teacher at IFE in the 2018/2019 Best Teacher Contest.

Irena Jałmużna PhD was awarded a supervisor prize for best diploma theses by the Club 500 of the following students:
– Joanna Lichnowska
– Piotr Lewandowski
– Katarzyna Tyszkiewicz
Year 2018

Professor Magdalena Grębosz-Krawczyk PhD DSc was awarded a National Education Committee Medal

Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC was nominated in the Best Teacher Contest at the Faculty in 2017/2018.

Anna Stankiewicz-Mróz PhD was awarded a certificate of recognition for a supervisor of the best master thesis regarding business matters in 2016/17 at the Faculty.
Year 2017

Associate professor Grzegorz Szymański PhD DSc was awarded the prize of Best Teacher at TUL in the 2016/17 Best Teacher Contest.

Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC został nominowany w Plebiscycie Najlepszy Nauczyciel Roku 2016/2017 WZiIP i IFE
Year 2016

Associate professor Grzegorz Szymański PhD DSc został nominowany i otrzymał Wyróżnienie w plebiscycie Najlepszy Nauczyciel Roku Akademickiego 2015/2016 na Wydziale Organizacji
i Zarządzania PŁ

Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC was nominated in the Best Teacher Contest at IFE in 2015/16.
Year 2014

Professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Ph.D., D.Sc.
with her team:
professor Stefan Lachiewicz,
Associate Professor Anna Adamik PhD DA,
Marek Matejun PhD,
Katarzyna Szymańska PhD,
Associate Professor Anna Walecka PhD DA,
Sylwia Flaszewska PhD,
Michał Nowicki PhD
were awarded a team prize by the National Academy of Sciences Organization and Management Sciences Committee for their handbook Podstawy zarządzania. Teoria i ćwiczenia.
Year 2011

Irena Jałmużna PhD was awarded a prize by the Club 500 organization for the best master theses.