SAPIENS- Sustainability and Procurement in International, European, and National Systems



Project Title: "SAPIENS - Sustainability and Procurement in International, European, and National Systems"

Implemented under the program: Horizon 2020 – Scientific panel "Social Sciences and Humanities". Funds obtained through participation in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks.

Project Duration: 48 months starting from March 1, 2021.

Total Budget: 3,944,037.96 EUR

Budget for the Łódź University of Technology: 227,478.60 EUR

The Łódź University of Technology is a project partner, along with 9 other European universities, with the University of Turin (Università degli Studi di Torino) as the leader.

Tasks in the project:

  1. CONDUCTING SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH in international and interdisciplinary teams: early-stage researcher (PhD student), supervisor, and co-supervisor (Early Stage Researcher - ESR, supervisor and cosupervisor). The outcome will include, among others, scientific publications, monographs, and new research methods.
    The activities will be carried out in the following thematic areas:
  • SAP (sustainability and procurement) tools for circular textiles – supervisor: dr hab. Małgorzata Koszewska, profesor uczelni, co-supervisor: E. Andersson (University of Copenhagen- Center for textile research);
  • Industry 4.0 for Sustainable Procurement – supervisor: D. Dragos (Babeş-Bolyai University – Public Management and Administration), co-supervisor: dr hab. Anna Adamik, profesor uczelni;
  • Delivering SAP through collaboration – supervisor: Rodrigo Lozano (University of Gävle Department of Engineering and Sustainable Develop. / Center of Logistics and Innovative Production (CLIP)), co-supervisor: dr hab. Małgorzata Koszewska, profesor uczelni.

The project is designed so that the supervisor, co-supervisor, and PhD student collaborate across different disciplines such as: Business Science, Economy, Law, Human Rights Law, Environmental Economics, and Archaeology/Textile Research.
At the Łódź University of Technology, the leading discipline in the project is Business Science.

2.   CONDUCTING the Advanced Training Course (ATC) on Sustainability in the Supply Chain (Lead: Dr. hab. Małgorzata Koszewska, Professor at the University). The implementation is managed by the team from the Department of Production Management and Logistics at the Faculty of Organization and Management, Łódź University of Technology. The two-day training will cover:

  • Day 1: Design and operation of sustainable supply chains;
  • Day 2: Business models for sustainable supply chains.

Dr. hab. Małgorzata Koszewska, Professor at the University, is a member of the SUPERVISORY BOARD, serving as the Ethics, Open Science, and Equal Opportunities Champion.

For more information about the project, please visit the SAPIENS project website (in English).

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