Research projects

M. Koszewska (Project Coordinator at Łódź University of Technology), SAPIENS – Sustainability And Procurement in International, European, and National Systems, Horizon 2020: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Research Networks: Innovative Training Networks (ITN), project coordinated by the University of Turin, implementation period: 2021-2025. As part of the project, Łódź University of Technology will carry out, among others, the following research topics:

  • SAP (sustainability and procurement) tools for circular textiles: Supervisor: Małgorzata Koszewska – Łódź University of Technology, Co-supervisor: E. Andersson (University of Copenhagen - Center for Textile Research)
  • Delivering SAP through collaboration: Supervisor: Rodrigo Lozano (University of Gävle, Department of Engineering and Sustainable Development / Center of Logistics and Innovative Production (CLIP)), Co-supervisor: Małgorzata Koszewska – Łódź University of Technology
  • Advanced Training Course (ATC) in the area of: Sustainability in the Supply Chain (Lead: Koszewska, Łódź University of Technology; EW; OVAM), Łódź (Poland), implementation: team of the Department of Production Management and Logistics, Faculty of Management and Production Engineering, Łódź University of Technology.

M. Grębosz-Krawczyk, Place branding (r)evolution – the management of the smart city brand, project no. PPN/BEK/2018/1/00154/DEC/1, National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), Bekkera Program, implementation period: 2019.

A. I. Baruk (Marketing team member, Project Manager – Jędrzej Krupiński), Directions for the use and protection of genetic resources of farm animals in the context of sustainable development, NCBiR, BIOSTRATEG 2/297267/14/NCBR/2016, implementation period: 2016-2019.

M. Koszewska (Project Coordinator), Visegrad Strategic Grant, Prospects of the Visegrad cooperation in promoting a sustainable consumption and production model, Visegrad Fund, No. 31410066, implementation period: 2014-2016.

I. Wilk, Determinants of the development of pro-ecological marketing activities in the market of eco-agrotourism services in Poland, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, N N115 119539, implementation period: 2010-2012.

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