In 2020, the Faculty of Organization and Management joined the CEEMAN (International Association for Management Development in Dynamic Societies), an international association for management development in 1993. The CEEMAN operates in the whole world and has 200 members from 50 countries. These institutions come from Europe, Asia, North and South America and Africa. The Faculty of Organization and Management of TUL is the second Polish representative of technical universities, a previous member was the Faculty of Management and Economics of Gdańsk University of Technology. In total, the CEEMAN comprises 17 universities from our country; these are mainly economic universities.
The aim of the association is to increase the quality of management in Central and Eastern Europe. It is implemented through a number of initiatives related to the development of education, research, consulting and network support within the association. The CEEMAN also implements the process of institutional accreditation of International Quality Accreditation – IQA, for which business schools and universities that educate in the field of management can apply.
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