XXI century businesses operate under demanding conditions of Industry 4.0 era, where two realities, the one we know and the virtual one, interweave in the so called “SMART WORLD”. It causes specific priorities and challenges to be imposed upon the organizations within the scope of the needed changes.
In the past organizations were regarded as compilations of tasks, products, employees, earning centers and processes. Now they are more and more regarded as intelligent systems designed for knowledge management in a very wide sense as well as the technologies based on the knowledge. The researchers of the subject notice the characteristics of the era, hence the research is mainly concentrated around problems which refer to technology usage for process improvement in Industry 4.0 era businesses. Analyzed are not only the solutions relevant for SMEs, but also for more sizeable enterprises in micro, mezzo and macro contexts. Support is also being devised for various branches and sectors from the perspective of key market planes.
The main interests of the research area are new technology management in selected branches (textile, medical, automotive, energy, food, high-tech etc.) and novel applications and technological solutions usage issues in modern organizations (marketing innovations in social media, internet search engine advertising, IT supporting logistics, warehousing, production, management, cooperation between businesses).
Special attention is given to innovative aspects, especially systems, methods, strategies and tools facilitating innovation as well as open innovation in an innovative development of Polish and European businesses. Other important issues are also the issues of creation, functioning and development of intelligent organizations, especially security management, (eco)logistics and creating a socially responsible competitive advantage.