Project. „DESIGN THINKING IN SEARCHING FOR INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS IN AN INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENT (MP2)” financing by The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange of the SPINAKER Program - International Intensive Programs (IIP) - 2021
The main goal of the SPINAKER Program is the internationalization of Polish institutions of higher education and science.
Detailed objectives of the SPINAKER program:
- increasing interest in the educational offer in Polish science and higher education institutions among foreign students and/or doctoral students;
- increasing in the participation of foreign students and/or doctoral students in education programs at Polish universities;
- expanding the offer of intensive international education programs, also implemented in the hybrid or remote formula.
Acronym: MP2
Name of the Financing Institution: The National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA)
Program name: SPINAKER - International Intensive Programs (IIP) - 2021
Recruitment number: BPI / SPI / 2021/1/00010
Total Project implementation amount: PLN 670 520
Co-financing: the project is entirely financed by NAWA
Implementation period: from June 1, 2022 to August 31, 2023
Coordinators: dr hab. Robert Stanisławski, prof. PŁ; dr Sebastian Bakalarczyk; dr inż. Iwona Staniec; dr inż. Agnieszka Pietras
Contact: mp2@info.p.lodz.pl
The aim of "Design thinking in searching for innovative solutions in an international environment "project is to increase the educational offer of the Faculty of Organization and Management TUL which is addressed to foreign students in the field of Intensive International Programs (IIP) implemented in a blended learning formula. As part of MP2, a new program aimed at business students from partner universities will be developed. It will be implemented in 2023 in 2 editions for a total group of 50 students. The program will involve students to search the solutions for real problems in international companies. The result of students' participation in the program will be the development of their 21st century competencies. Modern teaching methods and computer simulation will be used in the classes, aiming to bring real business problems closer. The project also plans to increase the competence of academic teachers. The project will contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the University's and the Faculty's strategy for increasing the internationalization of education, increasing academic exchange, and enriching the teaching offer based on modern teaching methods in cooperation with business and in an international environment. The sustainability of the project will be ensured by integrating MP2 into the teaching offer of the Faculty, which will ensure its promotion and implementation after the end of the project.
Project description:
The project is implemented at the Faculty of Organization and Management of the Łódź University of Technology. In the first stage, the project implementers visit foreign universities and present the assumptions related to the implementation of the project. The next stage is the recruitment of students from foreign universities. Students who successfully pass the recruitment process take part in blended learning, i.e. both stationary and remote classes. During the remote classes, students acquire knowledge in Design Thinking and computer simulation methods. During the next stage (stationary classes), students come to Poland. They receive a scholarship of approx. EUR 1,000 (for the costs of stay, travel and accommodation). The classes in Poland include visits at international companies (solving business problems – using the Design Thinking method) and participation in a computer simulation (running own business). The stay in Poland lasts 1 week (two editions – April or June). The stay in Poland also includes a cultural programme (one two-day trip in Poland and one one-day trip). The remote classes are conducted one week before arrival in Poland and one week after departure from Poland. The project is financed by the European Union under the SPINAKER program. The number of students is limited. The participants are recruited from many European universities. Lecturers and/or tutors from foreign universities also come with the students – their stay in Poland is also financed by the project. The students will receive a certificate of participation and 9 ECTS credits and will undergo a computer simulation certification (REVAS).
To apply for participation in the studies or to access detailed information about MP2 program - please follow steps and proceed further.
Register to the course as MP2 program candidate by:
- click LINK;
press "Continue" on the page bottom;
press "Creat new account";
fulfill formula;
press "New account";
check your e-mail corretness;
press "Continue";
click LINK;
press "Continue";
check your e-mail for "WIKAMP Port: account confirmation";
press "Courses";
fulfill enrolment key: MP2edition ;
Press "Enrol me".
After successful registration (VERY IMPORTANT) - please read recruitment instructions, and fulfill the recruitment form.
- Training on 23/06/2022 on the use of "Revas Business Simulation" in the educational process led by the company's CEO Wojciech Pitura.

Result: as of June 23, 2022, there are 14 certified „Revas Business Simulation" at the Faculty of Organization and Management TUL.
2. The visit to the Business Process Simulation Center at the Wroclaw University of Economics.

Result: The application of computer simulations and VR in teaching is possible due to access to modern technologies and the education of students who are already deeply rooted in the information society.
3. Preparation of a one-day study visit to JTI - Cigarette Factory located in Stare Gostkowo. Tested the prepared MP2 program of one day piloted on a group of 20 students on 12.07.2022.

Result: Prepared and evaluated program of one-day study visit on solving the problem at JTI - Cigarette Factory located in Stare Gostkowo, which will be implemented during MP2.
4. Meeting on 6 and 7 September 2022 with Magda Ferro Universidade Católica Portuguesa Católica Porto Business School and discussion on the upcoming IPP program. Train the employees of Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Católica Porto Business School) to use Revas Business Simulation.

Result: Introductory presentation of the MP2 program, gathering opinions and training of 4 employees of Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Católica Porto Business School).
5. Meeting on 9 and 12/09/2022 with Professor Elisabeth Pereira and Nina Szczygiel PhD University of Aveiro and discussion on the MP2 program being prepared. Training for Professor Elisabeth Pereira and Nina Szczygiel PhD to use Revas Business Simulation.

Result: Initial presentation of the MP2 program, discussion, and training of 2 employees of the University of Aveiro.
6. Meetings on: 14 and 17 October 2022 at the Mediterranean University Podgorica with Natasa Kraljevic - Director of the Student Exchange Office, and prof. Dr. Marija Jankovic - Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business. Discussion on the prepared IMPK program and the proposed learning outcomes, and its attractivity for students of Mediterranean University Podgorica. Training of prof. Dr. Marija Jankovic in the use of Revas Computer Simulations.

Effect: initial evaluation of the program, discussion on the proposed learning outcomes and its attractiveness for students of Mediterranean University Podgorica. Familiarizing students with the possibilities of Revas computer simulations.
7. Meetings on: 21 and 22 November 2022 with prof. Emanuel Said - Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting, and prof. Simon Grima – Head of the Insurance Department at the University of Malta. Discussion on the prepared IMPK program and the proposed learning outcomes. Training of prof. Emanuel Said and prof. Simon Grima on the use of Revas computer simulations.

Result: initial evaluation of the program, discussion on the proposed learning outcomes and training of 2 professors at the University of Malta.
8. Visit on November 30, 2022 of a group of 20 students from Poland, France, Germany, and Belgium to JTI in Gostków Stary.

Result: validation of the program of a one-day study visit to solve the problem in JTI.
9. Meetings on: December 13 and 15, 2022 with Prof. Athanas Georgiev Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University and Prof. Marcellin Yovogan Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University and Prof. Boryana Bogdanova Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University. Discussion of the prepared IMPK program, and the proposed learning outcomes. Training of 3 Professors on the use of Revas Computer Simulations. Students from business courses also participated in the meetings.

Result: preliminary evaluation of the IMPK program, discussion of the proposed learning outcomes, and training of 3 Professors at Sofia University.

10. Participation in the FlexSim InterMarium Tour workshop on Thursday, March 30, 2023 at the Hampton by Hilton Lodz City Center hotel at 157 Piotrkowska St. We had the opportunity to explore the world of FlexSim simulation using VR.

The result: an indication that simulation tools such as FlexSim allow to optimize current and planned processes, identify and reduce losses, reduce costs and increase revenues. FlexSim is a pillar of Industry 4.0. FlexSim enables: A virtual mapping of the real system → Analysis of real data → running simulation experiments ("what, if?" scenarios) → Choosing the best solution confirmed by results.
11. Meeting on May 22, 2023 with Professor Sabina Siebert, Professor of Management (Dekaban-Liddle Fellowship) and Aubrey Bierwirth and Emily Allan, representatives of Internationalisation at Adam Smith Business School Glasgow University. Discussion on the IMPK program and the results of the first edition. Training of one Professor in the use of Revas Simulations.

Effect: presentation of the results of the first edition and training of the Professor at the University of Glasgow.
12. Meeting on May 23, 2023 with Claire Bereziat, Dr Sonya Campbell-Perry, Corrine Fenech at the Glasgow Caledonian University. Discussion on the IMPK program and the results of the first edition. Training of 3 Lecture in the use of Revas Simulations.

Effect: presentation of the results of the first edition and training of the Professor at the Glasgow Caledonian University.
Meetings promoting MP2
- Meeting with 20 students on 6.09.2022 at Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Católica Porto Business School).

- Meeting with 25 students on 12.09.2022 at University of Aveiro.

3. Meeting on October 17, 2022 with a group of 12 students at the Mediterranean University Podgorica. Promotion of the prepared training in Lodz at the Lodz University of Technology.

4. Meeting on November 22, 2022 with a group of 17 at the University of Malta. Encouraging participation in MP2.

5. Meeting on December 14, 2022 with a group of 14 students at Sofia University. Encouraging participation in MP2.

6. Online promotion - on March 1, 2023, a meeting with Aubrey Bierwirth and Belgin Okay-Somerville from the University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Business School to promote MP2 at the local university, and present the offer for students.

The added value of the meeting was to familiarize us with the Dekaban-Liddle Fellowship program offered by the Adam Smith Business School for Poles.
7. Online promotion - on March 3, 2023, a meeting with Dean Prof. Dr. Lokman GÜNDÜZ and Serdar ÇÖP of Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Sema Gündüz- Project Development and Support Responsible at MİTTO of Marmara University to promote MP2 at the local university, and present the offer for students.

8. Meeting on May 22, 2023 with a group of 5 at the University of Glasgow. Encouraging participation in second edition MP2.

9. Meeting on May 23, 2023 with prof. Andrew Quinn – Assistant Associate Dean International, School of Engineering and Built Environment and Duncan Harcus – Partnerships Administration Manager at the Glasgow Caledonian University. Encouraging participation students Glasgow Caledonian University in second edition MP2.

10. Meeting on May 25, 2023 with Ann Duff, Team Leader and Careers Manager for the College of Arts at the Glasgow University and talks about encouraging students to participate in second edition MP2and further cooperation.

(05.04.2023) Technical meeting

Day 1 (11.04.2023) Familiarisation of participants with e-learning materials on Wikamp Port

Day 2- (12.04.2023) MIRO workshop

Day 3 (13.04.2023) Poster project teams presentations

Day 4 (14.04.2023) Description of a business idea and Revas workshops

Day 5 (17.04.2023) Revas workshops – third round of simulation and Visiting Professors lectures

Day 6 (18.04.2023) one-day study visit to JTI - Cigarette Factory located in Stare Gostkowo

Day 7 (19.04.2023) Workshops – fourth and fifth round of simulation and Visiting Professors lectures

Day 8 (20.04.2023)-Full-day trip – Cracow

Day 9 (21.04.2023) Workshops – sixth round of simulation and Visiting Professors lectures

Day 10 (22.04.2023) Full-day trip to Torun

Day 11 (25.04.2023) Uploading reports into the Wikamp Port

Day 12 (26.04.2023) Opinion about the project

(26.06.2023) Technical meeting

Day 1 (27.06.2023) Familiarisation of participants with e-learning materials on Wikamp Port

Day 2 (28.06.2023) MIRO workshop

Day 3 (29.06.2023) Poster project teams presentations

Day 4 (30.06.2023) Description of a business idea and Revas workshops – first and second round

Day 5 (03.07.2023) Revas workshops – third round of simulation and Visiting Professors lectures

Day 6 (04.07.2023) One-day study visit to JTI - Cigarette Factory located in Stare Gostkowo

Day 7 (05.07.2023) Workshops – fourth and fifth round of simulation and Visiting Professors lectures

Day 8 (06.07.2023) Full-day trip – HISTORIC SILVER MINE and BLACK TROUT ADIT, The Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa

Day 9 (07.07.2023) Workshops – sixth round of simulation and Visiting Professors lectures

Day 10 (08.07.2023) Full-day trip to Warsaw

Day 11 (11.07.2023) Uploading reports into the Wikamp Port

Day 12 (12.07.2023) Opinion about the project