Our employees often present their research outcomes at international conferences.

ECIU University Research Conference, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
AHEAD 2023 Conference: "Unity: How Staff and Learner Communities Drive Inclusion" Dublin, Ireland
5th International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: “Future Trends and Applications” (IHSED 2023), University of Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia
AHFE International Conference on Human Factors in Design, Engineering, and Computing (AHFE Hawaii Edition), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
European Seminar on Private Pensions, University of Barcelona, Spain
Forum Acusticum 2023, Turin, Italy
Associate Professor Edyta Pietrzak, Ph.D.
Joanna Kopania, Ph.D.
Barbara Galińska, Ph.D.
Katarzyna Boczkowska, Ph.D.
Konrad Niziołek, Ph.D
Associate Professor Zbigniew Wiśniewski, Ph.D., D.Sc
Aleksandra Polak-Sopińska, Ph.D.
Jan Królikowski, Ph.D.
Anna Mączewska, MSc.
Associate Professor Zbigniew Wiśniewski, Ph.D., D.Sc
Aleksandra Polak-Sopińska, Ph.D.
Professor Filip Chybalski PhD DA
Joanna Kopania PhD
Grzegorz Bogusławski PhD
7th International Scientific Conference: Economics, Management, Finance and Social Attributes of Economic Systems (EMFSA 2022), Pula, Croatia
Professor Magdalena Grębosz-Krawczyk, Ph.D., D.Sc
Learn2Inspire, Learning Training and Teaching Activity for the European Social Innovation and Leadership Curriculum, University of Groningen, Netherlands
26th World Congress of Political Science (IPSA), Lisbone, Portugal
The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism (SVOC), Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Associate Professor Edyta Pietrzak, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Edyta Pietrzak, Ph.D.
Professor Filip Chybalski, Ph.D., D.Sc
Associate Professor Edyta Marcinkiewicz, Ph.D.
International Conference on Science, Technology and Management (ICSTM), Santiago, Chile
International Conference on Economics, Management and Social Study (ICEMSS), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
35th International Conference (IBIMA), Seville, Spain
5th International Scientific Conference: Economics, Management, Finance and Social. Attributes of Economic Systems (EMFSA 2020), Pula, Croatia
Professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Professor Agnieszka Baruk
Professor Magdalena Grębosz-Krawczyk PhD DSc
International Conference on Information Management and Management Science (IMMS), Chegdu, China
AMBEC 2019 – Annual Management, Business and Economic Conference, Batu-Malang, Indonezja
10th International Conference “FEB Zagreb 10th”International Odyssey Conference on Economic and Business, Opatija, Croatia
The 13th International Conference on Business Excellence, Bucharest, Romania
The role of state in varieties of capitalism, 5th SVOC conference, Budapest, Hungary
International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences, Washington DC, USA
42nd International Scientific Conference Economic and Social Development, London, UK
9th International Conference on Information Communication and Management (ICICM 2019), Prague, Czech Republic
33rd IBIMA International Conference, Granada, Spain
34th IBIMA International Conference, Madrid, Spain
IX Konferencja Zagraniczna dla Polskich Profesorów Nauk Organizacji i Zarządzania, Lviv, Ukraina
4th Central European Symposium on Building Physics, Praga, Czechy
17th International Conference on Finance and Banking, Ostrava, Czech Republic
4th European Technology Assessment Conference in Bratislava, Slovakia
23rd International Congress on Acoustics in Aachen, Germany
Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa: Cinquième Conférence Internationale d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation; Tours, Francja
BLMM 2019, Osijek, Croatia
21st International Conference MEKON 2019, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Associate Professor Anna Walecka PhD DA
Associate Professor Anna Adamik PhD DA
Associate Professor Anna Walecka PhD DA
Michał Nowicki PhD
Professor Filip Chybalski, PhD DA
Associate Professor Edyta Marcinkiewicz PhD DSc
Associate Professor Zbigniew Wiśniewski PhD DSc
Aleksandra Polak-Sopińska PhD
Dagna Siuda PhD
Dagna Siuda PhD
Professor Agnieszka Baruk
Professor Agnieszka Baruk
Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC
Tomasz Jasiński PhD
Iwona Wojciechowska-Toruńska PhD
Joanna Sośnicka PhD
Joanna Kopania PhD
Szymon Wierzbiński PhD
Barbara Galińska PhD
Associate professor Andrzej Marcinkowski PhD DSc
12th International Conference on Business Excellence, Innovation and Sustainability in a Turbulent Economic Environment, Bucharest, Romania
9th Economic &Finance Conference, London, Great Britain
The role of state in varieties of capitalism, 4th SVOC Conference, Budapest, Hungary
International Conference on Business and Social Sciences (ICBASS), Kyoto, Japan
5th International Scientific Conference New Trends in Management and Production Engineering – regional, Cross-Border and Global Perspectives, Ostrava, Czech Republic
25th EBES Conference, Berlin, Germany
International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trends and Applications (IHSED 2018), Reims, Francja
XXI IGWT Symposium 2018 – Sustainability, Quality and Innovation: A Global View of Commodity Sciences, Roma – Gaeta, Włochy
International Conference of Applied Research on Textile (CIRAT-8), Monastir, Tunezja
The 18th World Textile Conference Autex Conference, İstanbul, Turcja
Workshop: Developing Life Cycle Analysis, Oslo, Norwegia
17th International Scientific Conference ECONOMY & BUSINESS, Elenite, Bulgaria
18th International Scientific Conference Globalization and its socio-economic consequences, Rajecke Teplice, Slovak Republic
18th International Joint Conference: Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment, Prague, Czech Republic
International Academic Conference on Management, Economics and Marketing, Budapest, Hungary
27th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development – Rome, Italy
3rd International Scientific Conference: Economics, Management, Finance and Social Attributes of Economic Systems (EMFSA 2018), Pula, Croatia
32nd IBIMA International Conference, Seville, Spain
17th International Conference, Elenite Holiday Village, Bulgaria
XIII International Scientific and Technical Conference, Computer Science and Information Technologies, Lviv, Ukraina
35th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, Lisbon, Portugal
2nd International Sciectific Conference, Development and Administratiom of Border Areas of the Czech Republic and Poland – Support for Sustainable Development, Ostrava, Czech Republic
27th International Conference of Metallurgy and Materials (METAL), Brno, Czech Republic
8th Carpathian Logistics Congress 2018, Prag, Czech Republic
34th Passive and Low Energy Architecture Conference, Hongkong
25th Global Finance Conference, Paris, France
EURO Mini Conference on ,,Advances in Freight Transportation and Logistics”, Padwa, Włochy
Associate Professor Anna Adamik PhD DA
Michał Nowicki PhD
Professor Filip Chybalski, PhD DA
Associate Professor Edyta Marcinkiewicz PhD DSc
Professor Filip Chybalski, PhD DA
Associate Professor Edyta Marcinkiewicz PhD DSc
Iwona Staniec PhD
Iwona Staniec PhD
Associate Professor Anna Adamik PhD DA
Professor Magdalena Grębosz-Krawczyk PhD DSc
Associate Professor Anna Walecka PhD DA
Irena Jałmużna PhD
Aleksandra Polak-Sopińska PhD
Associate Professor Małgorzata Koszewska PhD DA
Irena Jałmużna PhD
Associate Professor Małgorzata Koszewska PhD DA
Associate Professor Małgorzata Koszewska PhD DA
Associate Professor Małgorzata Koszewska PhD DA
Associate professor Robert Stanisławski PhD DA
Dagna Siuda PhD
Dagna Siuda PhD
Professor Magdalena Grębosz-Krawczyk PhD DSc
Professor Magdalena Grębosz-Krawczyk PhD DSc
Professor Magdalena Grębosz-Krawczyk PhD DSc
Professor Agnieszka Baruk
Associate professor Grzegorz Szymański PhD DSc
Associate professor Grzegorz Szymański PhD DSc
Associate professor Grzegorz Szymański PhD DSc
Robert Blażlak PhD
Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC
Przemysław Pomykalski PhD
Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC
Przemysław Pomykalski PhD
Associate professor Grzegorz Szymański PhD DSc
Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC
Przemysław Pomykalski PhD
Tomasz Jasiński PhD
Iwona Wojciechowska-Toruńska PhD
Barbara Galińska PhD
124th IASTEM International Conference zorganizowana przez International Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering and Management, Buenos Aires, Argentina
12th Annual London Business Research Conference, London UK
23rd EBES (Eurasia Business and Economics Society) Conference Mardid, Spain
The role of state in varieties of capitalism, 3rd SVOC Conference, Budapest, Hungary
IASTEM-156th International Conference on Economics and Business Management (ICEBM), Berlin, Germany
International Conference on Economics, Management and Social Study (ICEMSS), Praga, Czech Republic
40th European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Valencia, Spain
International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliateed Conferences, Los Angeles, USA
9th International Scientific Conference „Management of Technology Step to Sustainable Production MOTSP 2017”, Dubrovnik, Chorwacja
International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene SHO 2016, Guimaraes, Portugal
2nd International Conference on Business and Management (ICBM 2017), Shanghai, China
International Conference on Science, Engineering, Law & Management (ICSELM 2017), Port Louis (Mauritius)
3rd International Conference “Innovative (Eco-) Technology, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development”, Kowno, Litwa
26th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, Metal 2017, Brno, Czech Republic
17th International Scientific Conference, Globalization and Its Socio-economic Consequences 2017, Rajecke Teplice, Slovak Republic
33rd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Edynburg, Wielka Brytania
BLMM 2017: 17th International Scientific Conference ,,Business Logistics in Modern Management”, Osijek, Chorwacja
15th Annual Conference of the Nordic Society For Phenomenology, Trondheim, Norwegia
Professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Iwona Staniec PhD
Professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Katarzyna Boczkowska PhD
Konrad Niziołek PhD
Iwona Staniec PhD
Professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Iwona Staniec PhD
Professor Filip Chybalski, PhD DA
Associate Professor Edyta Marcinkiewicz PhD DSc
Associate Professor Anna Walecka PhD DA
Associate Professor Anna Walecka PhD DA
Associate Professor Karol Klimczak PhD DA
Aleksandra Polak-Sopińska PhD
Irena Jałmużna PhD
Jan Królikowski PhD
Katarzyna Boczkowska PhD
Associate professor Robert Stanisławski PhD DA
Associate professor Grzegorz Szymański PhD DSc
Associate professor Robert Stanisławski PhD DA
Associate professor Grzegorz Szymański PhD DSc
Associate professor Robert Stanisławski PhD DA
Associate professor Grzegorz Szymański PhD DSc
Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC
Przemysław Pomykalski PhD
Associate professor Grzegorz Szymański PhD DSc
Robert Blażlak PhD
Tomasz Jasiński PhD
Barbara Galińska PhD
Joanna Sośnicka PhD
The role of state in varieties of capitalism, 2rd SVOC Conference, Budapest, Hungary
20th EBES Conference, Vienna, Austria
13th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, Barcelona, Spain
CLAIO-2016. XVIII Latin-Iberoamerican Conference on operations research, Santiago, Chile
39th European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Maastricht, Netherlands
International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliateed Conferences, Orlando, USA
International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene SHO 2016, Guimaraes, Portugal
XI Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowo – Praktyczna, „Marketing i logistyka w systemie zarządzania”, Lwów, Ukraina
Modern challenges in Management science in Russia and Poland: areas for collaboration and research, Sankt Petersburg, Russia
International Academic Conference on Economic, Lvov, Ukraine
EUF Open Space, Aveiro, Portugal
25th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, Metal 2016, Brno, Czech Republic
Konferencja zagraniczna dla polskich Profesorów nauk organizacji i zarządzania, St. Petersburg, Rosja
12th International Scientific Conference of Young, Scientists „The economy of Bulgaria and the European Union: science and business” Sofia, Bulgaria
International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2016, Hamburg, Germany
Professor Filip Chybalski, PhD DA
Associate Professor Edyta Marcinkiewicz PhD DSc
Associate Professor Edyta Marcinkiewicz PhD DSc
Associate Professor Anna Walecka PhD DA
Professor Filip Chybalski, PhD DA
Associate Professor Edyta Marcinkiewicz PhD DSc
Iwona Staniec PhD
Associate Professor Karol Klimczak PhD DA
Aleksandra Polak-Sopińska PhD
Associate Professor Zbigniew Wiśniewski PhD DSc
Mieczysław Rajkiewicz PhD
Katarzyna Boczkowska PhD
Konrad Niziołek PhD
Aleksandra Polak-Sopińska PhD
Professor Andrzej Szymonik
Professor Magdalena Grębosz-Krawczyk PhD DSc
Associate professor Robert Stanisławski PhD DA
Professor Magdalena Grębosz-Krawczyk PhD DSc
Przemysław Pomykalski PhD
Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC
Associate Professor Zbigniew Leszczyński PhD DA
Joanna Kopania PhD
The WEI Business & Economics Academic Conference, Vienna, Austria
15th International Conference on Finance and Banking, 25 Years of Economic and Financial Transition in Central and Eastern Europe, Prague, Czech Republic
The role of state in varieties of capitalism, 1st SVOC Conference, Budapest, Hungary
International conference “Actual economy: local solution dor global challenges” (ACE), Prague, Czech Republic
3rd European Conference of Positive Management, Rotterdam, Netherlands
15th Ebes Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
IFRS Global Rules and Local Use, Prague, Czech Republic
International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliateed Conferences, Las Vegas, USA
XXI° Conférence Scientifique Internationale du Réseau PGV “For a strong Europe. Renovating the economic, entrepreneurial, political, territorial and educational structures, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
24th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, Metal 2015, Brno, Czech Republic
5th INDIA FINANCE CONFERENCE 2015, IIM Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, India
Realist Phenomenology: Josef Seifert and the Christian Tradition, Granada, Spain
Professor Filip Chybalski, PhD DA
Associate Professor Edyta Marcinkiewicz PhD DSc
Professor Filip Chybalski, PhD DA
Associate Professor Edyta Marcinkiewicz PhD DSc
Iwona Wojciechowska-Toruńska PhD
Professor Filip Chybalski, PhD DA
Associate Professor Edyta Marcinkiewicz PhD DSc
Iwona Staniec PhD
Associate Professor Anna Adamik PhD DA
Associate Professor Anna Walecka PhD DA
Katarzyna Szymańska PhD
Associate Professor Anna Adamik PhD DA
Katarzyna Szymańska PhD
Associate Professor Karol Klimczak PhD DA
Aleksandra Polak-Sopińska PhD;
Associate Professor Zbigniew Wiśniewski PhD DSc
Professor Magdalena Grębosz-Krawczyk PhD DSc
Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC
Przemysław Pomykalski PhD
Iwona Wojciechowska-Toruńska PhD
Joanna Sośnicka PhD
Word Business and Economic Research Conference, Auckland, New Zealand
The Global Business, Management Information System, Economics and Finance Research Conference, Tokyo, Japan
2nd Economic and Finance Conference, Vienna, Austria
IFRS Global Rules and Local Use, Prague, Czech Republic
37th European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Tallinn, Estonia
3rd World Conference on Business, Economics and Management (BEM-2014), Roma, Italy
2014 International Conference on Economics and Business Administration – ICEBA 2014, Macau China
29th International Business Research Conference, Australia
14th International Conference Research and Development in Mechanical Industry (RaDMI 2014), Topola, Serbia
Professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Iwona Staniec PhD
Professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Professor Filip Chybalski, PhD DA
Associate Professor Edyta Marcinkiewicz PhD DSc
Associate Professor Karol Klimczak PhD DA
Associate Professor Karol Klimczak PhD DA
Professor Jacek Otto
Associate professor Marianna Greta PhD DA
Associate professor Robert Stanisławski PhD DA
Marek Martin PhD
Marek Martin PhD
Professor Ryszard Grądzki
Joanna Kopania PhD
Grzegorz Bogusławski PhD
7th WSEAS International Conference on Management, Marketing and Finance (MMF), Harvard Cambridge, USA
International Symposium on Business and Management (ISBM), Kitakyushu, Japan
7th IBC International Business Conference, Mahe, Seychelles
14th International Conference on Finance and Banking, Ostrava , Czech Republic
36th European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Paris, France
IFRS Global Rules and Local Use, Prague, Czech Republic
Second International Scientific Conference on Project Management in the Baltic Countries, Riga, Latvia
Annual Conference – The role of entrepreneurship in the process of integration of Albania into the European Union, Tirana, Albania
KODIP-2013, Budva, Crna Gora
Financial mechanisms of entrepreneurship enhancing, VII International scientific and practical conference Lviv, Ukraina
RENT XXVII – Research In Entrepreneurship And Small Business, Vilnius, Lithuania
University of Applied Sciences, Management of innovative marketing in the internet, Kowno, Litwa
22nd International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials (Metal 2013), Brno, Czech Republic
III Międzynarodowa Konferencja dla Polskich Profesorów Nauk Organizacji i Zarządzania „Nauki zarządzania w okresie zmian systemowych w RPA i Polsce, Stellenbosch, Republic od South Africa
5th International Conference NANOCON 2013, Brno, Czech Republic
International Academic Conference organized by International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences 2013 Buenos Aires, Argentina
International Research Conference on Innovative Strategies in Commerce, Management, Engineering, Technology & Social Sciences Goa, India
3rd International Conference on Advances in Management and Economics Bangkok, Thailand
8th Annual London Business Research Conference, World Business Institute, London
XI Medunarodna Konferencija Odrzavanje i Proizvodni Inzenjering KODIP 2013, Zbornik Radova, Budva
13th International Conference ,,Research and Development in Mechanical Industry’’ RaDMI 2013, Kopaonik, Serbia
Professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Associate Professor Anna Adamik PhD DA
Professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Professor Filip Chybalski, PhD DA
Associate Professor Edyta Marcinkiewicz PhD DSc
Associate Professor Karol Klimczak PhD DA
Associate Professor Karol Klimczak PhD DA
Associate professor Marianna Greta PhD DA
Associate professor Robert Stanisławski PhD DA
Jarosław Kowalski PhD
Ewa Tomczak-Woźniak PhD
Professor Jacek Otto
Associate professor Marianna Greta PhD DA
Associate professor Robert Stanisławski PhD DA
Ewa Tomczak-Woźniak PhD
Professor Magdalena Grębosz-Krawczyk PhD DSc
Associate professor Marianna Greta PhD DA
Associate professor Robert Stanisławski PhD DA
Associate professor Robert Stanisławski PhD DA
Associate professor Grzegorz Szymański PhD DSc
Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC
Przemysław Pomykalski PhD
Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC
Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC
Przemysław Pomykalski PhD
Marek Martin PhD
Marek Martin PhD
Marek Martin PhD
Marek Martin PhD
Professor Ryszard Grądzki
Grzegorz Bogusławski PhD
Jacek Gralewski PhD
Joanna Kopania PhD
Yale Corporate Governance Forum, New Haven, USA
35th European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia
International Logistic Conference, Praha, Czechy
ICIL International Conference on Industrial Logistics,
Zadar, Chorwacja
2nd International Carpathian Logistics Congress, CLC 2012, Jesenik, Czech Republic
XVIIIo Conférence Scientifique Internationale du Réseau PGV „L’entrepreneur face aux politiques publiques en Europe”, Lisbonne, Portugal
74th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Montreal, Canada
XIII Międzynarodowa Konferencja, Lwów (Ukraina)
10th EES Biennial Conference, Helsinki, Finland
21st International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, Metal 2012, Brno, Czech Republic
5th International Scientific Conference, Managing and Modeling of Financial Risks, Ostrava, Czech Republic
4th International Conference, NANOCON 2012, Brno, Czech Republic
2nd International Conference on Economics Business and Marketing Management (CEBMM) Singapore
7th Annual International Symposium on Economic Theory, Policy and Applications, Athens, Greece
Associate Professor Karol Klimczak PhD DA
Associate Professor Karol Klimczak PhD DA
Professor Andrzej Szymonik
Maciej Bielecki PhD
Irena Jałmużna PhD
Professor Ryszard Grądzki
Professor Magdalena Grębosz-Krawczyk PhD DSc
Professor Jacek Otto
Professor Magdalena Grębosz-Krawczyk PhD DSc
Associate professor Robert Stanisławski PhD DA
Associate professor Robert Stanisławski PhD DA
Aleksandra Januszkiewicz PhD
Professor Ryszard Grądzki
Associate professor Robert Stanisławski PhD DA
Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC
Przemysław Pomykalski PhD
Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC
Przemysław Pomykalski PhD
Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC
Przemysław Pomykalski PhD
Marek Martin PhD
Iwona Wojciechowska-Toruńska PhD
International (Spring) Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation & Technology Management (APBITM Spring 2011), Bali, Indonezja
2nd International Conference on Economics, Business and Management, Maldives
71st International Atlantic Economic Conference, Athens, Greece
13th International Conference on Finance and Banking, Ostrava, Czech Republic
34th European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Rome, Italy
XVII o Conférence Scientifique Internationale du Réseau PGV „L’UE et ses rapports au monde. Perte de statut international ou émergence d’un nouveau modèle de croissance made in Europe”, Grenoble, France
Naukowo-Praktyczna Konferencja “Student- Naukowiec-fachowiec”, Kiev, Ukraine
3th International Conference NANOCON 2011, Brno, Czech Republic
20th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, Metal 2011, Brno, Czech Republic
Conference fee for World Congress Carpathian Logistics Congress, CLC 2011, Podbanske, Czech Republic
Professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Associate Professor Anna Adamik PhD DA
Associate Professor Anna Walecka PhD DA
Iwona Staniec PhD
Marek Martin PhD
Professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Associate Professor Edyta Marcinkiewicz PhD DSc
Professor Filip Chybalski, PhD DA
Associate Professor Karol Klimczak PhD DA
Professor Jacek Otto
Professor Magdalena Grębosz-Krawczyk PhD DSc
Associate professor Robert Stanisławski PhD DA
Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC
Przemysław Pomykalski PhD
Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC
Przemysław Pomykalski PhD
Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC
Przemysław Pomykalski PhD
4th WSEAS International Conference on Management, Marketing and Finances (MMF’10), Penang, Malezja
International Conference on Economics, Business and Management, Manila, Filipiny
69th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
18th Annual Conference on Marketing and Business Strategies for Central & Eastern Europe, Vienna, Austria
Congrès de l’Association Francophone de Comptabilité, Nicea, France
Americas Conference on Information Systems, Lima, Peru
International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliateed Conferences, Miami, USA
International Conference, Economy and management in industry, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraina
XVIo Conférence Scientifique Internationale du Réseau PGV „La crise mondiale et les perspectives de reprise des économies européennes”, Prague, Czech Republic
9th EES International Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
2 nd International Conference NANOCON 2010, Brno, Czech Republic
19th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, Metal 2010, Czech Republic
(Eco)-industrial parks: challenges and opportunities, Catholic University of Leuven, Department of Chemical Engineering, Leuven, Belgia
Professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Iwona Staniec PhD
Professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Iwona Staniec PhD
Associate Professor Edyta Marcinkiewicz PhD DSc
Professor Filip Chybalski, PhD DA
Associate Professor Karol Klimczak PhD DA
Associate Professor Karol Klimczak PhD DA
Professor Joanna Lecewicz-Bartoszewska
Associate Professor Zbigniew Wiśniewski PhD DSc
Katarzyna Boczkowska PhD
Konrad Niziołek PhD
Aleksandra Polak-Sopińska PhD
Professor Andrzej Szymonik
Professor Jacek Otto
Professor Magdalena Grębosz-Krawczyk PhD DSc
Aleksandra Januszkiewicz PhD
Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC
Przemysław Pomykalski PhD
Sebastian Bakalarczyk PhD DHC
Przemysław Pomykalski PhD
Associate professor Andrzej Marcinkowski PhD DSc
Witold Luciński PhD