The main objective of the Managers’ Certification process is to take care of the economic development of the Łódź region by developing the managerial staff, which is the most important factor of economic success. Certification aims at recognizing and appreciating the knowledge and competences of people who manage companies and organizations and showing them a possible further path of professional development, which is a response to the challenges posed by the concept of life-long learning (LLL). So far, several hundred managers have participated in the certification process.

Certification is carried out by a group of people selected from the world of business and academia, who have relevant expertise and knowledge.
The undertaken activities have been designed to contribute to the development of our region’s enterprises through the use of the latest knowledge and information resources by modern and creative managers.
The project has established and will continue to develop a system for the recognition of learning outcomes resulting from formal, non-formal and informal learning. Many managers in companies, who have very often gained knowledge and experience “on the job”, have the opportunity to check and confirm their credibility and competences. Certification should also enable to reduce the length of the recruitment process and help supervisors to learn about the potential of employees and to identify the best talent.
Certification is carried out at three levels: basic, operational and strategic, and is voluntary. Obtaining the certificate is linked to being entered in the “Book of Certified Managers of the Łódź Voivodeship”.
Patronage over the project: