EAQUALS (European Association for Quality Language Services)
In March 2017, the Language Centre at TUL received a quality certificate of language education from the EAQUALS Association. So far, EAQUALS accreditation has been granted only to two Polish universities, and Lodz University of Technology is the first technical university in the country whose Language Centre has been awarded in this way. It is a confirmation that the Centre meets high standards of language education.
The Language Centre at TUL received accreditation with distinction in 6 out of 12 evaluated criteria. The report indicates over a dozen of the so-called “points of excellence”, including: good cooperation with the external environment in terms of adjusting the educational offer to its needs and expectations, emphasis on the ethos of academic excellence and high quality of education present in all strategic documents of the Centre, the abundance and high quality of didactic materials made available to the Centre’s students and effective procedures implemented to ensure the high quality of these materials, high quality of service for the Centre’s students.
EAQUALS Association was established in 1991. Its aim is to promote excellence in language education worldwide by providing support to governments, educational institutions and all those interested in this area of education. EAQUALS cooperates with the European Commission as a consultant on matters related to education, as well as with numerous other entities setting standards for foreign language teaching.
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HCERES (Haut Conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur)
In April 2020, Lodz University of Technology was the first university in Poland to obtain HCÉRES institutional accreditation. The obtained certificate confirms that the university offers high quality education, research and management and the whole institution strives for continuous improvement. The very fact that the university undergoes an external evaluation is a confirmation of its credibility for students and the social and economic environment of the university, as well as the fact that there are effective quality assurance mechanisms at the university which allow it to react to changes taking place in the environment and in expectations towards graduates and universities.
The HCÉRES team assessed the wide range of education on offer at TUL and its adaptation to the needs of the labour market, as well as the actions taken to improve curricula and introduce innovative educational methods. The final report highlighted the wide range of cooperation between TUL and the socio-economic environment, a very well-developed network of international student exchange and the involvement of the academic community in building a quality culture. It also appreciated the great involvement of the university’s employees, students and partners in its activities and the fact that TUL has a clearly defined mission and vision, which are common to the whole academic community and well known to it.
HCÉRES is a renowned international organisation which is recognised by the academic community. It is a member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and is also listed in the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR). It has experience in institutional and programme accreditations worldwide.
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Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP) – European University Association (EUA)
Lodz University of Technology is one of three Polish universities which have undergone international institutional evaluation under the Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP). It is a programme implemented with the support of the EUA (European University Association), a renowned international unit enjoying recognition of the academic community. IEP is a tool for developing and improving the university management system. It puts emphasis on joint reflection and exchange of experience. It focuses on the quality culture and the extent to which the results of quality processes implemented at the university are used in the decision-making process. The EUA – IEP quality label is recognised throughout Europe. The evaluation of the IEP confirms its credibility as a potential partner and increases its attractiveness in the European Research Area.
The EUA – IEP team assessed the highly rich offer of education at Lodz University of Technology and its adaptation to the labour market needs. In the final report, attention was drawn to the wide scope of cooperation between TUL and the socio-economic environment and the fact that TUL is a partner valued by the environment. The system of support provided by the university to students was highly evaluated, considering it comprehensive and responding to students’ needs. Particular attention was paid to a large number of student organisations and university support for their activities. The comprehensiveness and effectiveness of the CWM’s (International Cooperation Centre) operation was assessed very well. Its significant role in the internationalization of Lodz University of Technology and in building the international reputation of the university was emphasized.
More information:
International Quality Accreditation – IQA – CEEMAN
The Faculty of Organization and Management has successfully passed the eligibility review and can start the International Quality Accreditation – IQA conducted by CEEMAN, the International Association for Management Development in Dynamic Societies.
The CEEMAN Accreditation Framework focuses on seven areas of assessment: strategy, governance, research, education, resources, continuous improvement/innovation, and responsible practices. Each area is examined from three different perspectives: alignment with the institution’s stated mission and values and the influence of the institution’s informal culture on achieving these; the degree to which each area adheres to internationally recognized quality standards; and how each area responds to, and is adapted to the specific needs of the environment in which the respective institution operates.
International Quality Accreditation – IQA addresses educational institutions that provide management or business education. Its objectives are:
- encouraging international contacts among academics in the field of management education and research, but also close contact between institutions and their business partners, with the objective of better understanding business development needs and engaging in relevant practice-based research.
- fosteringprocesses of continuous improvement in all aspects of institutional activity and encouraging creativity and innovation in both the content of management education and the processes by which it is delivered.
- paying proper attention not only to the managerial substance of management education but also to the broader questions of social, ethical, and environmental responsibility which business activity entails.
More information: http://www.ceeman.org/accreditation
IQA CEEMAN accreditation procedure is financed as part of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education project “International Accreditations” of the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development, co-financed by the European Social Fund.
HR Excellence
Lodz University of Technology, recognizing the impact of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers on the assurance of high quality of work environment and conducted research, decided already in 2015 to start the process of implementation of the provisions of these documents into internal legal acts, procedures and practices in order to become an employer attractive on an international scale and more competitive in the European Research Area. The crowning achievement of these efforts is the granting of the HR Excellence in Research logo in 2016. TUL is the first technical university and the third in Poland with such a distinction. By doing so, the Commission underlined the importance of the HR Strategy adopted by Lodz University of Technology for scientists and the planned HR activities, confirming the university’s commitment to the process of continuous development in accordance with the provisions of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
In January 2019, the European Commission extended the certification for TUL in the field of HR Excellence in Research, thus accepting the new Action Plan for 2018-2021 and the report on activities in 2016-2018. Thanks to this award, the University gained greater recognition in the European research area, became a more attractive partner in international projects and received additional points when categorising and applying for European funds and grants.
All analyses and activities carried out within the framework of HR Excellence in Research were described in detail and published: https://www.p.lodz.pl/pl/hrlogo .
EUR-ACE® Label
In 2019, the Department of Management and Production Engineering received the EUR-ACE® Bachelor Label certificate for the Management and Production Engineering faculty. EUR-ACE® Label (EURopean ACcredited Engineer) is an environmental accreditation that assesses the quality of technical study programmes. The accreditation is closely linked to the Bologna process and is based on standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area. It is awarded by the ENAEE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education), a network of European institutions for the accreditation of technical subjects. Currently, 15 institutions from all over Europe are eligible to award the EUR-ACE® Label to their accredited technical study programmes. After several years of efforts, the EUR-ACE® Label has also been authorised to award the European Quality Certificate together with its accreditation to the Accreditation Commission of Universities of Technology (KAUT).
The EUR-ACE® Label quality label is recognised in all European countries. In countries with regulated engineering professions, programmes with the EUR-ACE® Label meet the conditions to become a Registered or Chartered Engineer (CEng), and the European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI) automatically credits programmes with the EUR-ACE® Label as eligible to become a European Engineer (Eur Ing).
The Lodz University of Technology has so far obtained 15 EUR-ACE® Label accreditations – 9 EUR-ACE Bachelor Label certificates and 6 EUR-ACE Master Label certificates.