If you are a student of the Faculty of Organization and Management, Lodz University of Technology enables you to apply for financial aid:
- social support
- disabled benefits
- one-time special support
- Rector’s scholarship, including awards for academic performance, sporting achievements, artistic achievements
For more information on all the above benefits, please visit https://p.lodz.pl/en/students/support-students/scholarships .
Moreover, please note that before the expiry of the applicable deadline for payment of the fee or within 7 days from the occurrence of the circumstances giving rise to the change in the fee, you may apply to the head of the organisational unit to set a reduced fee for the educational services provided, together with the necessary attachments and opinions. In case of doubt, the head of the organisational unit has the right to request additional documentation or opinions.
If you have any questions, please contact our faculty specialist:
mgr inż. Elżbieta Klonowska
E-mail address: stypendiaw8@info.p.lodz.pl
Phone: (42) 631 32 64
Room 2.19
Faculty representatives in the Committee for Financial Support Application Review:
- Mirella Barańska-Fischer, PhD
- Anna Szmit PhD
- mgr inż. Elżbieta Klonowska.