On March 26, a positive notification was received regarding the qualification for funding of the international cooperation network within the CEEPUS program titled "Supply Chains Management – from the perspective of national industries."
The program involves seven European countries: Montenegro, Romania, North Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Croatia, and Moldova.
The project was prepared by the Department of Supply Chain Management at the Łódź University of Technology in January of this year, with the team consisting of: Dr. hab. Robert Stanisławski, Professor at the Łódź University of Technology; Dr. Barbara Galińska; Dr. Marek Sekieta; Dr. hab. Zbigniew Wiśniewski, Professor at the Łódź University of Technology; Prof. Dr. hab. Andrzej Szymonik; Dr. Dorota Bartochowska; Dr. Michaela Rostek; and Dr. Jan Królikowski.
The project includes both short- and long-term international exchanges conducted within the framework of micro-modules. The goal of these micro-modules is to acquire new skills, supplement knowledge, and broaden perspectives related to supply chains. Each country (partner) offers its own micro-modules, reflecting the specific characteristics of regional (national) industries. The modules will include both theoretical and practical sessions (workshops, case studies, study visits to companies). The classes will use modern teaching methods and problem-solving techniques, including Design Thinking, PBL (Project-Based Learning), and computer simulations. The final outcome will be the preparation of projects by students, highlighting the differences, risks, and development prospects of supply chains in partner countries. The micro-modules will be conducted as "intensive learning programs." During the implementation of each micro-module, academic teachers will act as mentors.